
Java development kit
Java development kit

java development kit

I worked as a Backend Developer and Technical Project Manager on an asylum search tool for a non-profit Human Rights First. In-house apprenticeship program building a real-world project in a small team. The Last Unit of my program at Bloomtech was an amazing experience! Data structures and algorithms, programming patterns, Docker, and Coding challenges. In addition to learning some Frontend basics I have more I would like to work on. Excited to work with a team, and build a project from scratch. HTTP and RESTful services, introduction to DynamoDB, creating exceptions, dependency injection, linked lists, searching, Big O, recursion, data stores, and deploying. The Project still had a good amount predefined, but we added lots of functionality. Logging, remote debugging, inheritance, polymorphism, hashing, set, maps, design with composition, exception handling, mocking, and statics. Our project was a first taste of a code base closer to real world example.

java development kit

We dove deeper writing and testing functional requirements, debugging, unit testing, memory, encapsulation, polymorphism and interfaces, primitive wrapper classes, generics and lists. We worked within a Text Based Adventure Game as our code source. We learned problem-solving strategies, command-line basics, IDE basics, Git basics, variables, arithmetic operations, strings, user input, object instantiation, boolean logic, conditionals, loops, arrays, and more. I would like to share some of my progress. I have been very busy with Bloom Institute of Technology Full Time Backend Web Development Program for the past four months.

Java development kit